Skyline Drive is an astounding hallmark of the National Park Service, boasting 75 overlooks with stunning views of the Shenandoah Valley to the west and the rolling Piedmont to the east. It remains one of the most visited recreational mountain roads in the United States, with more than 70% of park visitors only experiencing Shenandoah from overlooks. But many vistas are overrun by years of vegetative growth, blocking the landscape from view. With funding from SNPT, youth crews will work with arborists to maintain 15 overlooks, effectively reducing the maintenance cycle from 9 years to 5 years.
Project Title: Views Forever
Project Purpose: to reduce years between cycles that each vista is cut/maintained. Currently, the park manages the vistas with day labor every 7 – 8 years. If the park acquires the mower, we hope to reduce the cycle cutting to 2–3-years.
Project Goals:
- to improve access to the beauty of Shenandoah
- to provided partners conservation crews a hands-on experience that helped professionally develop their skills while strengthening their experiences in National Parks
- to reduce the man-hours and operational costs required to maintain vistas
Project Impact: By more regularly maintaining these vistas, more visitors will be able to enjoy the healing beauty of Shenandoah from Skyline Drive.
Project Funding: $50,000